Hi Joe,
Thanks a lot helping with the solution. I don’t  understand  before on how 
correlation-identifier works.
I guess MergeContent may be pulling flowFiles with same  correlation-identifier 
from queue in a batch. 

I don’t really need 1_N in the file name , this solution should work for my 
case. I will try and let you know.

> On Jun 17, 2016, at 6:27 AM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sumo,
> Should be doable.  The only part that may be tricky is the filename showing 
> 1_N if that means the whole thing has to retain sequential ordering from 
> source through destination.  Otherwise...
> When merging flowfiles together you need to decide 'how should content be 
> merged' and 'how should attributes be merged'.  The properties to control 
> that are 'Merge Strategy' and 'Attribute Strategy' respectively.  For merge 
> strategy you'll want to do binary merge.  For the attribute strategy the 
> default of keeping only common attributes should likely be sufficient.  The 
> reason it should be is the information that you'll need for writing to HDFS 
> then is the common databaseName, tableName, and action.  When merging you'll 
> merge by all three of these attributes combined.  You can do this by creating 
> an attribute that combines those three things right after your extract 
> attributes processor.
> Lets say your extract attributes pulls out 'databaseName', 'tableName' and 
> 'action'.  If so then put an UpdateAttributes between your extract attributes 
> and MergeContent (or you could use HashAttribute as well).  In this create an 
> attribute called 'correlatation-identifier' and give it a value of 
> ${databaseName}-${tableName}-${action}
> Then in merge content use that correlation-identifier attribute in the 
> 'Correlation Attribute Name' property.
> Now, given that you'll be smashing JSON documents together keep in mind the 
> resulting smashed together thing would not be valid JSON itself.  You'd need 
> to either make sure when it is merged that the resulting output is also valid 
> JSON which you can do by using MergeContent's header/footer/demarcator 
> feature.  Or, you need the thing that reads these merged JSON documents to be 
> able to demarcate them for you.
> If you want to end up with roughly 64MB bundles and these objects can be 
> quite small (between say 1 and 10KB) then you'd be bundling around 6000-10000 
> objects each time and that is not factoring in compression.  I'd recommend a 
> two phase merge with a GZIP compression step in between then.  GZIP is nice 
> as it compresses quite fast and it can be safely concatenated.  So the 'merge 
> step' would really be:
> - First Merge
> - GZIP Compress
> - Final Merge
> In first merge do bundles of at least 800 objects but no more than 1000 and 
> set an age kick-out of say 1 minute or whatever is appropriate in your case
> In GZIP compress set level 1
> In final merge do bundles of at least 55MB but no more than 64MB with an age 
> kick-out of say 5 minutes or whatever is appropriate in your case
> Since the common attributes you needed will be retained in this model you 
> will be able to write to hdfs using a path of something like 
> '/${databaseName}/${tableName}/${action}/${uuid}.whatever.
> Now that I got here I just noticed you set 'tar' so presumably you are using 
> tar merging strategy and most likely this is to address how to keep these 
> objects separate and avoid the need for header/foot/demarcator/etc..  Good 
> choice as well.
> There are a lot of ways to slice this up.
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Sumanth Chinthagunta <xmlk...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:xmlk...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have following flow that receives JSON data from Kafka and writes to HDFS.
> Each flowFile received from Kafka has following attributes and JSON payload.
> 1.      databaseName = db1 or db2 etc 
> 2.      tableName = customer or address etc 
> 3.      action = [insert, update, delete] 
> My goal is to merge 1000 flowFlies into single file and write to HDFS 
> (because writing large files into HDFS is more efficient then writing small 
> JSON files.)
> I also want to write into HDFS folder structure   like:
> /<databaseName>/<tableName>/<action>/1_1000.tar
> /<databaseName>/<tableName>/<action>/1000_2000.tar
> With default MergeContent configuration, I am losing individual flowFile’s 
> attributes and cannot organize bin files into directory structure. Is it 
> possible to accomplish my goal with   MergeContent?   
> Thanks 
> -Sumo

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