
This is more about Solr than NiFi...

The example is using Solr's dynamic field feature where a field name with
"_s" at the end means it is a string. For a date it is "_dt" at the end.

You can see the dynamic field types typically available here:

Keep in mind that when using a date type rather than a string, the value of
"created_at" will have to be in a date format that Solr accepts.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 8:11 AM, Shivadeep Gundoju <
shivadeep.gund...@techwave.net> wrote:

> Hello Team,
>      I am new to Nifi  . I have used above link to put twitter tweets to
> solr documents(
> https://blogs.apache.org/nifi/entry/indexing_tweets_with_nifi_and)
>      I am stuck with one problem
>     I want  twitter_created_at_s:/created_at     to be stored as Date
> datatype but this is by default saving it as string in solr document.
>     Please help me . how to convert this particular field from string to
> Date ?
> Thanks in advance
> Shivadeep.G

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