
The specific use cases at the moment both surround QueryDatabaseTable and its 
Max Value Column tracking.

First, I'd like to be able to set an initial value for a max value column; so 
essentially an initial state value. The idea would be to support situations 
where we want to start loading data only from the last 'x' time period.

Secondly, if something happened downstream and we need to roll back the clock I 
want our operations team to be able to stop the processor, change the timestamp 
to the necessary value, and then start the processor back up as part of their 
resolution process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Witt [] 
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: Externally update processor State


The state management function the is built-in is to allow processors to 
set/interact with their own managed state.  We did not intend for that to be 
something someone external to the processor could interact with directly.  
Rather, that is what properties are expected to be used for.

So far the couple of requests like this I've seen are where there is a sort of 
human in the process flow going on - like a workflow manager.
Can you describe the details of your use case/ideal user experience a bit 


On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Peter Wicks (pwicks) <> 
> I'm looking for a way to externally update a processors state, preferably 
> through an API call and then at some point the existing State viewer with the 
> clear button. From digging through the code base I couldn't find an exposed 
> API that would allow for state modification; only a state clearing.
> Was there a design decision behind this, or is this a feature waiting to be 
> added?
> Regards,
>   Peter

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