Hello Nifi Dev,


I have recently built a new PutKudu processor for NiFi. In this processor, I
leverage RecordReader (just like PutParquet does), to read the content of
the FlowFile. I can run the build successfully on my local, but couldn't
start the NiFi. And realized that the RecordReader is not being
referenced/deployed properly. And so I got this error message
"ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordReaderFactory"
in the log file. I can manually copy the RecordReader package and deploy it
to the lib directory, and start the NiFi without any issue, but shouldn't be
done this way.

I compared every file of PutParquet with my PutKudu, but couldn't find any
missing parts of it. Would you please help?



Cam Mach

Inspur USA

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