Congratulations Marc with a C :) Welcome aboard, looking forward to
more kick-arse contributions!

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 6:47 PM, Tony Kurc <> wrote:
> NiFi community,
> On behalf of the Apache NiFi PMC, I am pleased to announce that Marc Parisi
> has accepted the PMC's invitation to join the Apache NiFi PMC.  We greatly
> appreciate all of Marc's hard work and generous contributions to the
> project. We look forward to continued involvement in the project.
> Marc is a major contributor to MiNiFi CPP; in addition to his code and
> review contributions, he recently release managed the 0.3.0 release. He's
> super friendly, active across the NiFi project, and can lift a small car.
> Congratulations and welcome, Marc!
> Tony

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