Hi guys, I'm using the PutDatabaseRecord processor to write some data into
sql server and the processor is using the DBCP controller service as its
connection pool.
Sometimes I could see the following exception inside my log file:
org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: Failed to commit
database connection due to com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException:
The connection is closed

I know that DBCPConnectionPool is using the validation query property to
set test-on-borrow to true and also set the validation query accordingly,
so I set the validation query to "select 1",
but this doesn't seem to solve the problem. I tried to find the possible
reason and solution for this problem, the only thread I could find is that
someone talked about one possible reason on

"In case of IOException, the sqlserver jdbc driver marks the connection as
closed, but this is not detected by the pool. So the connection is returned
in the pool, while unusable."

I'm not sure if the reason he mentioned above is the root cause of my
problem. Has anyone came across this kind of problem and how to work around
this issue? Thanks.


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