> On 18 Jan 2018, at 03:05, Matt Burgess <mattyb...@apache.org> wrote:
> - Some NiFi installs will be located on systems that cannot contact an
> outside (or any external) repository. When we consider NAR
> repositories, we should consider providing a repo-to-go or something
> of that sort. At the very least I would think the Extension Registry
> itself would support such a thing; the ability to have an Extension
> Registry anywhere, not just attached to Bintray or Apache repo HTTP
> pages, etc.

I would imagine that most NiFi installs would not be able to contact the 
outside due to many running on edge nodes of clusters with strict routing rules.

> Optimized JARs/classloading
> - Promoting JARs to the lib/ folder because they are common to many
> processors is not the right solution IMO. With parent-first
> classloaders (which is what NarClassLoaders are), if you had a NAR
> that needed a different version of a library, then it would find the
> parent version first and would likely cause issues.  We could make the
> NarClassLoader self-first (which we might want to do under other
> circumstances anyway), but then care would need to be taken to ensure
> that shared/API dependencies are indeed "provided".

This is what I was getting at with my earlier question regarding explicitly 
exporting packages and specifying nifi based versioning. This is the way IDE’s 
tackle the problem, if I wanted to expose a given jar dependency in NetBeans 
for example I would create a wrapper nbm for 1 or more jars and explicitly 
expose a list of packages.

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