
When a node joins the clusters, if the node has an empty flow.xml, no
users, and no authorizations, then the node will inherit all of those
from the cluster, but if any of those are populated then it won't be
able to join.

One common issue that prevents this from working, is if you have an
initial admin populated on the new node, then it starts up and creates
the initial admin and policies locally, and when it attempts to join
the cluster it will not inherit because now technically it has a
user/policies defined which are in conflict with the cluster. So the
trick for a new node is to not fill in the initial admin in

Regarding creating users/groups/policies... anything you can do in the
UI can be done via the REST API, the best way to take a look is to
open Chrome Dev tools while you use the UI and checkout the calls made
in the network tab.

You could write a script to perform any of these calls and automate
the creation.



On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Anil Rai <anilrain...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> We noticed that we cannot add/modify users and policies when 1 node in a
> cluster is down. So seems like all nodes should have the latest and
> identical users.xml and auth*.xml. Is this correct? Shouldn't the latest
> and up to date files be copied to other nodes during startup instead? (like
> flow.gz)
> Secondly, we configures groups, users and policies manually via the canvas.
> Is there any automated way? and how do we propagate the users to other
> environments?
> Thanks
> Anil

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