
Thanks very much for the detailed answer. In my particular case, I
have a parameter corresponding to a schema file on disk and there is a
standard validator to ensure that the file exists. Currently, in my
@OnScheduled method, I read that schema file, parse it and store the
parsed results in a member of my class ready for use in my onTrigger
method. If the file fails to parse, an exception is thrown. I could
move that code into a validator, but setting a member as a side effect
of validation didn't quite feel right - does that makes sense?

On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 16:01, Mark Payne <> wrote:
> James,
> You can certainly catch Throwable there, or AssertionError, more 
> specifically, but I'd be very wary
> of doing that, because at that point you're really kind of working against 
> the framework (both the
> nifi mock/test framework as well as the JUnit framework) instead of with it. 
> If your intent is to test
> a specific method, I would recommend testing that method explicitly by 
> calling it yourself.
> You don't need to create your own MockProcessContext. You can get the 
> ProcessContext from
> the Test Runner. For example:
> final MyProcessor myProcessor = new MyProcessor();
> final TestRunner runner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(myProcessor);
> runner.setProperty(MyProcessor.MY_PROPERTY, "hello");
> try {
>   myProcessor.onScheduled( runner.getProcessContext() );
>"Expected SomeException to get thrown from onScheduled method 
> but it did not.");
> } catch (final SomeException e) {
>   // expected.
> }
> Now, this being said, it begs the question whether or not you want to be 
> throwing an Exception from your @OnScheduled method.
> I'm sure there are use cases where this makes perfect sense. However, you 
> should first think about whether or not you are
> able to prevent the Exception from occurring by applying validation rules 
> (addValidator() to PropertyDescriptor's or customValidate).
> The benefit to validators here is that when the user configures the Processor 
> incorrectly, they get a clear indication immediately that it
> is not valid and a clear explanation of why it's not valid (as well as being 
> shown in the Invalid Counts of Process Groups, etc.).
> If you wait until the user tries to start the Processor and throw an 
> Exception, it will be less obvious that there's a configuration problem
> and the error message that they receive is likely not to be as clear.
> Thanks
> -Mark
> On Aug 23, 2018, at 5:25 PM, James Srinivasan 
> <<>> wrote:
> Ah, hadn't spotted that. It's close, but the Throwable I get is a
> java.lang.AssertionError (Could not invoke methods annotated with
> @OnScheduled annotation due to:
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) and there doesn't seem to
> be any way to get the actual underlying exception my code threw in
> order to properly validate it.
> Mark's suggestion of calling the @OnScheduled method directly seems a
> little tricky when using the TestRunner framework, or should I just
> replicate the test setup (e.g. create my own MockProcessContext etc.)
> Thanks,
> James
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 at 21:03, Mike Thomsen 
> <<>> wrote:
> James try it with a throwable like in my example
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 10:51 AM Mark Payne 
> <<>> wrote:
> James,
> If you are expecting the method to throw an Exception and want to verify
> that, you should
> just call the method directly from your unit test and catch the Exception
> there. The TestRunner
> expects to run the full lifecycle of the Processor.
> Thanks
> -Mark
> On Aug 23, 2018, at 10:49 AM, James Srinivasan <
><>> wrote:
> I tried that, but the problem is the exception is caught and the test
> fails due to this:
> try {
> ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnScheduled.class,
> processor, context);
> } catch (final Exception e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
>"Could not invoke methods annotated with @OnScheduled
> annotation due to: " + e);
> }
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 at 15:41, Mike Thomsen <>
> wrote:
> For unit tests, if you're doing this to catch a failure scenario, you
> should be able to wrap the failing call in something like this:
> final def msg = "Lorem ipsum..."
> def error = null
> try {
> } catch (Throwable t) {
>   error = t
> } finally {
>   assertNotNull(error)
>   assertTrue(error.cause instanceof SomeException)
>   assertTrue(error.cause.message.contains(msg))
> }
> Obviously play around with the finally block, but I've had success with
> that pattern.
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 10:19 AM James Srinivasan <
>> wrote:
> What is the best way to handle exceptions which might be thrown in my
> @OnScheduled method? Right now, I'm logging and propagating the
> exception which has the desired behaviour in NiFi (bulletin in GUI and
> processor cannot be started) but when trying to add a unit test, the
> (expected) exception is caught in and
> failure asserted.
> My actual @OnScheduled method builds a non-trivial object based on the
> Processor's params - maybe I should be building that any time any of
> the params change instead?
> Many thanks,
> James

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