Hey everyone,

The dataflow I'm running has one main flow and a couple other disjoint
process groups. Within that main flow, there are sections which aren't used
very often. In trying to optimize things, I looked into the guidance we
have on the "event-driven" scheduling type. There doesn't appear to be much
concrete other than "it's experimental". Which has been the go-to,
basically since being open-sourced.

So with that, I'm curious about a couple things:
1: With the recent improvements to the controller and timer-based
scheduling, what should be our guidance on when to use event-based over
2: Is anyone actually using it in production?
3: Given it's been 3+ years of "it's experimental", we should start
thinking about either declaring it good to go or deprecating it.
4: Any lessons learned on optimizing disjoint/sparse flows.

*Joe Percivall*
e: jperciv...@apache.com

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