Normally, I wouldn’t ask a question like this on the NiFi Dev group. But I did 
a census and out of the top 10 committers to NiFi in the last year, 8 
definitely work for Hortonworks (couldn’t figure out where MikeThomsen works). 
In the subsequent top 10 committers, there are at least four more working for 
Hortonworks (mosermw, thenatog, and markobean I couldn’t figure out).

I love that Hortonworks has put so much people power into NiFi, no other 
company has more than a single developer contributing code in large quantity 
(that I can find, large quantity being top 20 contributors list for last year). 
But I do worry about what would happen to the whole project if, assuming the 
merger goes through, Cloudera decided a change of direction was in order, or 
something to that affect, and the whole project was affected negatively.

Thoughts from the community (and if you aren’t legally allowed to represent 
your company… probably best not to respond more than your allowed 😊)?


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