After a couple of years absence from NiFi (prior to Java 9), I find myself just now back in a developer role in a company that uses NiFi. (This is a pleasant thought, I might add, as I believe that NiFi rocks.) I have inherited an existing implementation that's sorely aged and, though I've googled mostly in vain on what I'm asking, would like to dot the /i/s and cross the /t/s.

*What version of NiFi?*
How far forward (toward) NiFi 1.9 should I push my company? I see that the Docker container is at 1.8 if that's any reference. I'm tempted right now to move to 1.8 immediately.

*What about Java?*
What is the state of Java in NiFi? It appears that it's still back on Java 8? I develop using IntelliJ IDEA. While I constrain the level of language features to 1.8, it isn't realistic to contemplate developing in IDEA without a pretty modern JDK version (I use Java 11 today because LTS). I assume, nevertheless, that if I'm careful not to permit--by setting in IDEA--the use of language constructs in my custom processors to exceed 1.8, I should be okay, right? Or, am I missing something and there are other considerations to watch out for?

Thanks for any and all comments, setting me straight, etc.

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