
It would be good to file a JIRA explaining in as much detail as possible
what use case the new component would solve for and describing how it would
work.  Then if you want to offer a PR with it or prompt some discussion
either on the JIRA or in the dev mailing list you can do so.  I'll say in
general we're trying to get away from the ConvertXtoY processors as the
record reader/writer paradigm and associated components has proven far more
efficient and flexible.  That said, it would still be good for you to share
the details of your idea and see how folks receive it and go from there.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 1:23 PM Ahmed Hussien <a7med.7ussien2...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
>   I have a small inquiry about contributions to Apache NIFI. I have made a
> custom processor that helps in the CDC flow which will be:
> CaptureChangeMySQL -> MyCustomProcessor -> PutHiveQL
> I named the custom processor ConvertJsonToHQL and I think it would be
> helpful if it is possible to be added and the contributions guide is not
> clear about custom processors. So how can I contribute ?
> Best Regards.

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