Hi NiFi dev community,

We just released NiFi 1.10 and that's an amazing release with a LOT of
great new features. Congrats to everyone!

I wanted to take this opportunity to bring a discussion around how often
we're doing releases.

We released 1.10.0 yesterday and we released 1.9.0 in February, that's
around 8 months between the two releases. And if we take 1.9.2, released
early April, that's about 7 months.

I acknowledge that doing releases is really up to the committers and anyone
can take the lead to perform this process, however, we often have people
asking (on the mailing lists or somewhere else) about when will the next
release be. I'm wondering if it would make sense to think about something a
bit more "planned" by doing time based releases.

The Apache Kafka community wrote a nice summary of the pros/cons about such
an approach [1] and it definitely adds more work to the committers with
more frequent releases. I do, however, think that it'd ease the adoption of
NiFi, its deployment and the dynamism in PR/code review.

I'm just throwing the idea here and I'm genuinely curious about what you
think about this approach.



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