That could be a legitimate issue. I'll write up a Jira ticket.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 5:42 AM Christopher Manniex <>

> Thanks Mike,
> Here’s a really stripped back example.
> I have an input as below
> {
>          "value": "123456.00"
> }
> And I want to write the value into MongoDB as a numeric value, but
> critically not as a double (these will be currency values)
> In order to try to enforce the type used to write to Mongo we created a
> simple Avro schema, for the example above this would be as follows;
> {
>          "type": "record",
>          "name": "TransactionEvent",
>          "namespace": "com.example.demo",
>          "fields": [
>                   {
>                            "name": "value",
>                            "type": [
>                                     "null",
>                                     {
>                                               "type": "bytes",
>                                               "logicalType": "decimal",
>                                               "precision": 10,
>                                               "scale": 2
>                                     }
>                            ]
>                   }
>          ]
> }
> Hoping that this would map to a Decimal128 in Mongo, however we
> consistently see double as the type in Mongo regardless of any variations
> of Avro schema we have tried.
> On having a quick look into the code I’ve identified 2 possible problem
> areas.
>   1.  The conversion of the Avro schema into the internal representation
> which seems to treat Avro logical decimal types as double (ref
> org.apache.nifi.avro.AvroTypeUtil – line 343)
>   2.  The Mongo processor which uses this type information to decide what
> Mongo types to persist data as.
> For a quick win, which would hopefully have a smaller impact, I was hoping
> that I could fork the Mongo processor and keep the changes local to that
> but since the information about the Avro logical type is lost before the
> schema information gets to MongoDB i’m not sure that will be possible now.
> When we reached this point and the changes we were looking at seemed like
> they could be a little more complex than hoped we wanted to reach out to
> see if
>   1.  We’re doing something wrong
>   2.  Anybody else had encountered a similar situation
>   3.  If we did look to introduce changes either to the Mongo processor or
> more widely for support of BigDecimal would this be of wider use?
> Many thanks
> Chris
> Sent from Mail<> for
> Windows 10
> ________________________________
> From: Mike Thomsen <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2020 7:48:29 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: BigDecimal support
> Chris,
> Drop us some details about the delta between what you're expecting and what
> you see happening so we can investigate and see what we can do to help.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 10:09 AM Christopher Manniex <
> >
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Hi All, not sure this is the right forum, I've been evaluating Nifi for
> > use in one of our solutions but am hitting issues preserving type
> > information for BigDecimal through to Mongo... am I missing something
> > obvious or is this a possibility for an improvement (happy to contribute
> if
> > i can be pointed in the right direction)
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > Sent from Mail<> for
> > Windows 10
> >
> >

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