
I didn't follow the whole discussion so I apologize if I'm saying something
stupid here. Now that we have the possibility to terminate threads in a
processor, would that solve the issue?


Le mar. 18 févr. 2020 à 10:52, Bryan Bende <> a écrit :

> Hi Josh,
> The problem isn't so much about the retries within the flow, its more
> about setting up the service for the first time.
> A common scenario for users was the following:
> - Create a new HBase client service
> - Enter some config that wasn't quite correct, possibly hostnames that
> weren't reachable from nifi as one example
> - Enable service and enter retry loop
> - Attempt to disable service to fix config, but have to wait 5+ mins
> for the retries to finish
> Maybe a lazy initialization of the connection on our side would help
> here, although it would just be moving the problem until later (i.e.
> service immediately enables because nothing is happening, then they
> find out about config problems later when a flow file hits an hbase
> processor).
> I guess the ideal scenario would be to have different logic for
> initializing the connection vs. using it, so that there wouldn't be
> retries during initialization.
> -Bryan
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 1:21 PM Josh Elser <> wrote:
> >
> > Hiya!
> >
> > LarsF brought this up in the apache-hbase slack account and it caught my
> > eye. Sending a note here since the PR is closed where this was being
> > discussed before[1].
> >
> > I understand Bryan's concerns that misconfiguration of an HBase
> > processor with a high number of retries and back-off can create a
> > situation in which the processing of a single FlowFile will take a very
> > long time to hit the onFailure state.
> >
> > However, as an HBase developer, I can confidently state that
> > hbase.client.retries=1 will create scenarios in which you'll be pushing
> > a FlowFile through a retry loop inside of NiFi for things which should
> > be implicitly retried inside of the HBase client.
> >
> > For example, if a Region is being moved between two RegionServers and an
> > HBase processor is trying to read/write to that Region, the client will
> > see an exception. This is a "retriable" exception in HBase-parlance
> > which means that HBase client code would automatically re-process that
> > request (looking for the new location of that Region first). In most
> > cases, the subsequent RPC would succeed and the caller is non-the-wiser
> > and the whole retry logic took 1's of milliseconds.
> >
> > My first idea was also what Lars' had suggested -- can we come up with a
> > sanity check to validate "correct" configuration for the processor
> > before we throw the waterfall of data at it? I can respect if processors
> > don't have a "good" hook to do such a check.
> >
> > What _would_ be the ideal semantics from NiFi's? perspective? We have
> > the ability to implicitly retry operations and also control the retry
> > backoff values. Is there something more we could do from the HBase side,
> > given what y'all have seen from the battlefield?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > - Josh
> >
> > [1]

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