Hi I have been working on a custom processor "ExecuteMojoScoringRecord" that 
integrates H2O MOJO Scoring Pipeline with NiFi to do batch scoring and real 
time scoring on test data to get predicted label(s). In an earlier test of the 
processor, I used a hydraulic system sensor data set and only predicted 1 
label, which was cooling efficiency. The flow file outputted by the 
"ExecuteMojoScoringRecord" had content of 1 predicted label field name and 
field value.

However, later when I updated the Hydraulic data set by adding a cooling 
condition label as the last column, now the processor's MOJO was predicting 
cooling condition, which returns 3 predicted labels ""cool_cond_y_3, 
cool_cond_y_20, cool_cond_y_100" and their associated prediction values. 
However,  the flow files coming out of this processor have empty content. The 
prediction values are missing. Right before the 
writer.write(scoredFirstRecord), I added logs into the code to see if the key 
value pairs of the scoredFirstRecord contained the field names and field 
values. The data showed up in the logs. Yet, it does not show up the flow file 
content. The changes I made to the output Avro schema were adding 3 field names 
and their field data types, which are double cause the prediction data type is 
Float64. Why do you think the flow file content is empty?

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