What are the attributes of the processor?
Do you have : 

or anything?

You should take a look at the Listen** processors.
They do not have any inputs etc, and run processing queued input from a 
background thread.
You can have on modified queue a change and then have trigger process the queue 
of changes.

> On Jan 8, 2021, at 11:04, Russell Bateman <r...@windofkeltia.com> wrote:
> I only put the code I want to execute in onTrigger(), I suspected it would 
> not fire there. I know that this isn't what processors do. Configuration is a 
> messy problem to solve when your downstreamers want it made easy. This is 
> supposed to be a solution that allows them to remain in the NiFi UI and not 
> have to run off doing harder things to configure. I could put what I'm doing 
> in /HumanReadables/ into a real, running processor, but then, I would kind of 
> have to add them to several processors and I wanted to avoid the confusion 
> that created.
> Here's the code. Thanks.
> import com.windofkeltia.constants.HumanReadableMappings;
> ...
> @TriggerWhenEmpty
> @SideEffectFree
> @CapabilityDescription( "Dynamic properties can be created to specify (or add 
> to) static configuration"
>                       + " of key-value substitution pairs. See additional 
> details." )
> public class HumanReadables extends AbstractProcessor
> {
>   @Override
>   public void onTrigger( final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession 
> session ) throws ProcessException
>   {
>     getLogger().info( "inside onTrigger()..." );
>     for( Map.Entry< PropertyDescriptor, String > entry : 
> context.getProperties().entrySet() )
>     {
>       PropertyDescriptor property = entry.getKey();
>       // do work here--maybe pre-wipe all key-value pairs if we're just going 
> to recreate them?
>       final String PROPERTY_NAME  = property.getName();
>       final String PROPERTY_VALUE = entry.getValue();
>       logger.trace( "Processing configurable mappings titled \"" + 
> PROPERTY_NAME + "\"" );
>       try
>       {
>         harvestDynamicPropertyMappings( PROPERTY_VALUE );
>       }
>       catch( Exception e )
>       {
> getLogger().debug( e.getMessage() );
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   protected static void harvestDynamicPropertyMappings( final String 
>   {
>     final String[] LINES      = PROPERTY_VALUE.split( "\n" );
>     int            lineNumber = 0;
>     if( LINES.length < 1 )
>       return;
>     final String WHICH_LIST = LINES[ 0 ];
>     for( final String VALUE_LINE : LINES )
>     {
>       char delimiter = VALUE_LINE.charAt( 0 );
>       int  position = VALUE_LINE.indexOf( delimiter, 1 );
>       String key, value;
>       key   = ( position < 0 ) ? VALUE_LINE.substring( 1 ) : 
> VALUE_LINE.substring( 1, position ).trim();
>       value = ( position > 0 ) ? VALUE_LINE.substring( position + 1 ).trim() 
> : "";
>       HumanReadableMappings.add( key, value );
>     }
>   }
>   @Override
>   protected PropertyDescriptor getSupportedDynamicPropertyDescriptor( final 
> String propertyDescriptorName )
>   {
>     return new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
>                                  .required( false )
>                                  .name( propertyDescriptorName )
>                                  .addValidator( 
> StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR )
>                                  // or .addValidator( Validator.VALID ) if 
> you do not wish it validated!
>                                  .dynamic( true )
>                                  .build();
>   }
>   private volatile Set< String > dynamicPropertyNames = new HashSet<>();
>   @Override
>   public void onPropertyModified( final PropertyDescriptor descriptor, final 
> String oldValue, final String newValue )
>   {
>     getLogger().info( oldValue + " -> " + newValue );
>     final Set< String > newDynamicPropertyNames = new HashSet<>( 
> dynamicPropertyNames );
>     if( isNull( newValue ) )
>       newDynamicPropertyNames.remove( descriptor.getName() );
>     else if( isNull( oldValue ) && descriptor.isDynamic() )
>       newDynamicPropertyNames.add( descriptor.getName() );
>     dynamicPropertyNames = Collections.unmodifiableSet( 
> newDynamicPropertyNames );
>     final Set< String > allDynamicProperties = dynamicPropertyNames;
>   }
>   @OnScheduled public void processProperties( final ProcessContext context )
>   {
>     for( Map.Entry< PropertyDescriptor, String > entry : 
> context.getProperties().entrySet() )
>     {
>       PropertyDescriptor descriptor = entry.getKey();
>       if( descriptor.isDynamic() )
>         getLogger().debug( "Dynamic property named:\n    " + 
> descriptor.getName()
>                             + ", value: " + entry.getValue().replaceAll( 
> "\n", " + " ) );
>     }
>   }
>   protected static final String DEFAULT_MAPPING_VALUE = ""
>     + "|http://loinc.org |LOINC\n"
>     + "|http://snomed.info/sct |SNOMED\n"
>     + "|http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt              |CPT\n"
>     + "|http://aapc.org                             |CPT\n"
>     + "|http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm |RxNorm\n"
>     + "|http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc                 |NDC\n"
>     + "|http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-9-cm |ICD-9\n"
>     + "|http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10 |ICD-10\n";
>   public static final PropertyDescriptor DEFAULT_MAPPINGS = new 
> PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
>       .name( "default mappings" )
>       .displayName( "Default mappings" )
>       .required( false )
>       .expressionLanguageSupported( ExpressionLanguageScope.NONE )
>       .defaultValue( DEFAULT_MAPPING_VALUE )
>       .addValidator( Validator.VALID )
>       .description( "These default mappings are already set up, but can be 
> changed. To erase completely,"
>                   + " merely clear the value of this property and ignore it 
> in favor of creating and"
>                   + " maintaining one or more of your own dynamic 
> properties.")
>       .build();
>   private List< PropertyDescriptor > properties;
>   @Override
>   public void init( final ProcessorInitializationContext context )
>   {
>     List< PropertyDescriptor > properties = new ArrayList<>();
>     properties.add( DEFAULT_MAPPINGS );
>     this.properties = Collections.unmodifiableList( properties );
>   }
>   @Override public List< PropertyDescriptor > 
> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() { return properties; }
> }

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