
Now that [1] is merged, MiNiFi Java is now officially in the NiFi
codebase! Thanks to all who participated in discussions, reviews, and
testing. Here are some notes on what this means going forward:

- All future releases of MiNiFi Java will be in lockstep with NiFi,
the next release version will be 1.14.0 rather than 0.6.0. MiNiFi Java
artifacts will be built and published as part of the NiFi release
process. This will allow MiNiFi to immediately benefit from
improvements/fixes in NiFi components instead of occasionally updating
the NiFi dependency version in MiNiFi Java.

- Although we will continue to track issues in Jira under the MINIFI
project, PRs should be submitted against the nifi repo's main branch.
If you have an open PR against the nifi-minifi repo, you can port it
to the nifi repo by adding ".patch" to the URL of your PR, downloading
the patch, and applying it to a branch in your fork of the nifi repo,
for example:

git checkout -b MINIFI-541
git apply --directory='minifi' ~/195.patch

Sooner than later we'll make the nifi-minifi repo read-only so no more
PRs can be submitted against it, and we can update NiFi's PR template
to refer to MINIFI Jira cases as well.

There's still work to be done of course, contributions and PR reviews
are most welcome!



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