
We are using Nifi as a piece of a larger processing system. Files (and thus 
flowfiles) are related to objects that have an ID external to Nifi. To be able 
to track objects, flowfiles are given the external ID as a flowfile attribute. 
When a processor fails the flowfile is routed to a flow that updates the 
monitoring system with the external ID and the error message of our making.

But the root cause of the failure, described by the bulletin, is "lost". That 
is, we log it using the SiteToSiteBulltinReportingTask, but we have to manually 
match the bulletin with our recorded error based on time stamp.

Do you think it would be possible / good idea to add the bulletin to the 
flowfile as part of the Nifi core somehow (AbstractProcessor?), so that any 
processor that fail automatically adds a standard attribute to the flowfile 
causing the error?

Geir Klingenberg

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