This sounds like a great path for the 2.0 release.  I support goals listed
in the NiFi 2.0 Proposed Release Goals page and look forward to the cleanup!


On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 10:13 AM David Handermann <> wrote:

> Team,
> With all of the excellent work that many have contributed to NiFi over the
> years, the code base has also accumulated some amount of technical debt. A
> handful of components have been marked as deprecated, and some components
> remain in the code base to support integration with old versions of various
> products. Following the principles of semantic versioning, introducing a
> major release would provide the opportunity to remove these deprecated and
> unsupported components.
> Rather than focusing the next major release on new features, what do you
> think about focusing on technical debt removal? This approach would not
> make for the most interesting release, but it provides the opportunity to
> clean up elements that involve breaking changes.
> Focusing on technical debt, at least three primary goals come to mind for
> the next major release:
> 1. Removal of deprecated and unmaintained components
> 2. Require Java 11 as the minimum supported version
> 3. Transition internal date and time handling to JSR 310 java.time
> components
> *Removing Deprecated Components*
> Removing support for older and deprecated components provides a great
> opportunity to improve the overall security posture when it comes to
> maintaining dependencies. The OWASP dependency plugin report currently
> generates 50 MB of HTML for questionable dependencies, many of which are
> related to old versions of various libraries.
> As a starting point, here are a handful of components and extension modules
> that could be targeted for removal in a major version:
> - PostHTTP and GetHTTP
> - ListenLumberjack and the entire nifi-lumberjack-bundle
> - ListenBeats and the entire nifi-beats-bundle
> - Elasticsearch 5 components
> - Hive 1 and 2 components
> *Requiring Java 11*
> Java 8 is now over seven years old, and NiFi has supported general
> compatibility with Java 11 for several years. NiFi 1.14.0 incorporated
> internal improvements specifically related to TLS 1.3, which allowed
> closing out the long-running Java 11 compatibility epic NIFI-5174. Making
> Java 11 the minimum required version provides the opportunity to address
> any lingering edge cases and put NiFi in a better position to support
> current Java versions.
> *JSR 310 for Date and Time Handling*
> Without making the scope too broad, transitioning internal date and time
> handling to use DateTimeFormatter instead of SimpleDateFormat would provide
> a number of advantages. The Java Time components provide much better
> clarity when it comes to handling localized date and time representations,
> and also avoid the inherent confusion of java.sql.Date extending
> java.util.Date. Many internal components, specifically Record-oriented
> processors and services, rely on date parsing, leading to confusion and
> various workarounds. The pattern formats of SimpleDateFormat and
> DateTimeFormatter are very similar, but there are a few subtle differences.
> Making this transition would provide a much better foundation going
> forward.
> *Conclusion*
> Thanks for giving this proposal some consideration. Many of you have been
> developing NiFi for years and I look forward to your feedback. I would be
> glad to put together a more formalized recommendation on Confluence and
> write up Jira epics if this general approach sounds agreeable to the
> community.
> Regards,
> David Handermann

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