Hi Joe and Chris,

Our Dockerfile that we use to build the Dockerhub image defaults to looking for 
1.15.0 instead of NiFi-1.15.0, but it is a variable that we can override, so 
this is easy to workaround incase the release folder does change. Agree its 
nice to keep the tree structure consistent when we can.

I’m about to do my verification and will also check the single user with the 
docker image as part of that.


> On Nov 4, 2021, at 6:44 PM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> Yeah I should have just put it in 1.15.0 instead of nifi/1.15.0.
> Should generally not really matter so the docker angle there is
> interesting.  Not sure why our docker images would have any
> relationship to our dist/dev storage.  But when I move them into the
> release folder I can try to ensure I place them only in 1.15.0 instead
> of nifi/1.15.0.
> That directory the prov stuff makes does linger and can be annoying so
> thanks for tackling that.  Saw the PR.  Will take a look soon if
> nobody else has.
> Will keep an eye on your findings related to docker builds not working
> with username/password things.  Hopefully others can chime in there.
> Thanks
> Send
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 2:06 PM Chris Sampson
> <chris.samp...@naimuri.com.invalid> wrote:
>> Worryingly, when I do get the Docker Image to build (further changes to the
>> Dockerfile), the auto-generated username and password from the startup logs
>> aren't being accepted for login via my browser.
>> I'll try to spend a little more time looking at this (but await input on my
>> earlier question/concern also).
>> ---
>> *Chris Sampson*
>> IT Consultant
>> chris.samp...@naimuri.com
>> On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 20:47, Chris Sampson <chris.samp...@naimuri.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I've got most of the way through the release check process in order to
>>> vote for 1.15.0, but I wanted to check on a change in the distribution
>>> release artifacts.
>>> For 1.14.0, the Dev artifacts were located at:
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/nifi/1.14.0/*
>>> For 1.15.0, the Dev artifacts are located at:
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/nifi/nifi-1.15.0/*
>>> i.e. there's been a change of directory/path from <version> to
>>> nifi-<version>.
>>> The reason I raise this is that I can no longer build a Docker Image using
>>> the dockerhub/DockerBuild.sh script because it cannot find the artifacts to
>>> download. This may not be a problem if the path change is only for the Dev
>>> artifacts, but if the same change is going to happen for the released
>>> artifacts, then the apache/nifi image (and presumably the
>>> apache/nifi-registry, apache/nifi-toolkit and any minifi) convenience
>>> images will no longer be possible as part of the Release, which will likely
>>> be an issue for a number of users that have deployments using these images.
>>> I spotted this after rebasing my outstanding PR [1] for NIFI-8779 [2]
>>> Additionally, I noted NIFI-9366 [3] after an unwanted directory was
>>> created by the unit tests executed during building and testing 1.15.0-RC3.
>>> I raised a PR [4] - this is a minor issue and not a reason to block any
>>> release.
>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/5213
>>> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-8779
>>> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-9366
>>> [4] https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/5510
>>> ---
>>> *Chris Sampson*
>>> IT Consultant
>>> chris.samp...@naimuri.com
>>> On Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 01:52, Joe Witt <joew...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Otto
>>>> Got ya.  Yeah it was this way in 1.14 as well.  And to be clear with every
>>>> release what we are actually voting upon is the source release.  Now the
>>>> source release includes nifi, minifi, nifi registry, stateless nifi and
>>>> toolkits among all the other having always been there goodies.
>>>> Some of these things we make available in the form of convenience binaries
>>>> to make it easier on folks to consume.
>>>> I think you dont need to do any verification you would not have done
>>>> before.
>>>> But I do hope folks help maintain various ways of easing more folks
>>>> knowing
>>>> what to vet with a given release
>>>> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 5:34 PM Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This release, we are verifying not only Nifi, but also Minifi Java. At
>>>>> least that is my understanding.
>>>>> This would be my first time having *anything* to do with minifi, i’ve
>>>> not
>>>>> even run it before.
>>>>> As such, I think the RC validation guide needs to be update to include
>>>> the
>>>>> information about now validating nifi and minifi together.
>>>>> From: Joe Witt <joew...@apache.org> <joew...@apache.org>
>>>>> Reply: dev@nifi.apache.org <dev@nifi.apache.org> <dev@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>> Date: October 25, 2021 at 11:59:39
>>>>> To: dev@nifi.apache.org <dev@nifi.apache.org> <dev@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>> Subject:  [discuss] NiFi 1.15
>>>>> Team,
>>>>> I thought I had already started such a thread but I dont see it so here
>>>>> goes...
>>>>> We have made a ton of progress again and there are some super
>>>>> important fixes as well. It is definitely time to kick out a 1.15.
>>>>> My intent will be to attempt to pull together an RC this week.
>>>>> Haven't done the analysis yet of what is hanging out there but will do
>>>>> so. A quick look at all the features and fixes already landed though
>>>>> make it clear we have more than enough to work with.
>>>>> Lets please use this thread for coordination on the RC rather than it
>>>>> becoming the wish list. We have new features/fixes arriving all the
>>>>> time - those can be addressed in normal channels.
>>>>> Thanks

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