Thread is here for full details:

It looks like Avro 1.8's schema parser may have been more lenient (or
buggy) in enforcing the specification with respect to the ordering of
a union for a nullable type. 1.9.X and higher are definitely more
opinionated and throw exceptions on schemas that used to work on
1.8.X. For example, this used to be valid:

  "name": "message",
  "type": [ "null", "string" ],
  "default": "Hello, world"

Now Avro **correctly** throws an exception per the specification.
Under 1.8 it did not, and as you can see here, I had to change
numerous test schemas in order to make them work under 1.9 to 1.11.0:

As I said to Matt, I think we're in a "damned if you do, damned if you
don't" position here.


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