
I am currently writing a processor to write OpenAI embeddings to Postgres.
I am using DBCPConnectionPool for this.
I use Maven to integrate PGVector (https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector).

With pure JDBC this works fine. With the database classes from NiFi I get the error: *Cannot infer the SQL type to use for an instance of com.pgvector.PGvector. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.*

I use -> setObject (5, new PGvector(embeddingArray)).
embeddingArray is defined as: float[] embeddingArray

Of course I know why I get the error from NiFi and not from the JDBC driver, but unfortunately this knowledge does not help me.

Can anyone tell me what SQLType I need to specify for this?
I have searched the internet and the NiFi sources on GitHub for several hours now and have found nothing.

One option would be to use native JDBC and ignore the ConnectionPool. But that would be a very bad style in my opinion.
Perhaps there is a better solution?

Any help, especially from Matt B., is appreciated as I'm at a loss.
Thanks guys.

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