Hi Katarzyna,

You can use ConvertRecord with JASN1Reader on the reader side and Json, XML
or other record writers on the writer side. You will also need a source
processor to get the ASN.1 file from your external source (it depends on
the source you use).

The NAR bundle containing JASN1Reader is not part of the standard NiFi
distribution due to size limitations but it is released in the same process.
You need to download it and install it in your NiFi environment (copying to
'lib' or 'extensions' folders).

NAR module name: nifi-asn1-nar
Download link from Maven Central:

Peter Turcsanyi

On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 4:46 PM Katarzyna Janeczko (Nokia) <
katarzyna.janec...@nokia.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writing to you to ask if it is possible to build a processor using
> already existing tools in Apache Nifi to convert ASN.1 file to
> text/json/yaml/csv file?
> Best,
> Katarzyna Janeczko

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