Hey Joe,

Definitely a +1 to get a M1 release ASAP. I'd still recommend waiting on
the flow.xml removal work to be merged. The reason being that users may
give useful feedback when they'll try NiFi 2.0 with existing flows coming
from NiFi 1.x and getting rid of all of the XML based stuff. There is also
a PR coming soon for the frontend work of the templates removal. Hopefully
both can be completed this week or next week.


Le mar. 26 sept. 2023 à 17:35, Joe Witt <joew...@apache.org> a écrit :

> Team,
> The NiFi 2.0 release has more than 700 resolved JIRAs on it [1] and growing
> every day.
> The NiFi 2.0 deprecation plan is well underway and largely complete [2].
> We still need to remove a lot of now deprecated code, tests which are never
> run and largely don't work, eliminate the flow.xml which has a JIRA/PR
> underway.  And more.  But we're getting close and we need to start getting
> this in the hands of users.
> The docker image can now be built in 'nifi-docker/dockermaven' after a full
> build from root with 'mvn install -Pdocker'.  And it comes up with Ubuntu,
> Java 21, Python 3.9, and NiFi 2.0 ready to roll with Python processors
> enabled.
> I propose we start closing down soon to make a NiFi 2.0 M1 release happen
> even before we have all the things done.  We need to start getting feedback
> and giving people a chance to work with it.
> Lastly, a huge thank you to the folks in the community that have been
> helping push towards 2.x with code changes, removals, reviews, bug reports,
> etc..  Super awesome to see.  NiFi 2.x is shaping up nicely to be useful
> not only for our well established user base which spans the globe and every
> industry but now we are also seeing a lot of opportunity and fit for NiFi
> in these exciting AI use cases particularly involving orchestrating the
> data flows with embeddings, vector stores, and LLMs.  And the Python
> capabilities in NiFi 2.x make NiFi far easier to use for the very important
> data engineer user base.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/NIFI/versions/12339599
> [2]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Deprecated+Components+and+Features
> Thanks
> Joe

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