Really thanks for your answer !


De : Lehel Boér <>
Date : mardi, 13 février 2024 à 15:18
À : <>
Objet : Re: Streaming processor / primary node only
Hi, The @OnPrimaryNodeStateChange annotation can be utilized to manage the 
behavior of processors based on changes in the primary node status. This 
annotation allows you to define actions to be taken when the primary node 
changes, such as starting


The @OnPrimaryNodeStateChange annotation can be utilized to manage the behavior 
of processors based on changes in the primary node status. This annotation 
allows you to define actions to be taken when the primary node changes, such as 
starting or stopping message consumption.

I recommend checking the GetAzureEventHub processor, as it likely implements 
similar functionality with regards to handling primary node changes.

Best Regards,




From: LEZIER Maxime (ITNOVEM) <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 6:33

To: <>

Subject: Streaming processor / primary node only


I have to dev a streaming processor to consume stomp messages.

The code make the job but I have a problem with de primary node change.

By default, the processor is configured on primary node only to handle 
duplicate message.

What I find is that when there's a change of primary node, the consumer on the 
previous primary continues to work, so I end up with duplicates.

the processor on the previous primary should stop when a switch is made.

I've found the "@OnPrimaryNodeStateChange" annotation, but I'm not sure how to 
use it.

Do you have any examples of processors that use it to switch message 
consumption from one primary to another?

Thanks for your help.




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