Mathew, certainly! I've been meaning to update the blog too. Email me at and we'll get 'em up there :)


On Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 2:46 PM Mathew Kiprop <>

> +1 to all subjects addressed Joe.
> I have been planning to improve developer advocacy around scripting
> components. The groovy scripts have been one of my best tools to build
> flows in NiFi (Rest API development , complex data structures
> transformation, controlled flows scheduling…..). I’ll take this opportunity
> to ask Mat Burges whether I can contribute some of my work to
> Mathew
> On Sat, 15 Jun 2024 at 21:03, Joe Witt <> wrote:
> > Team,
> >
> > We are seeing an increase in the unique contributors on a monthly basis
> to
> > NiFi and a clear and steady increase in the overall contribution rate
> over
> > the past 1-2 years in particular.  This is awesome but we do have
> important
> > problems to cover and we need to make it easier to help newer
> contributors
> > know where to jump in and add the most value.
> >
> > For sure people will contribute various things just because they have a
> > particular interest such as some new extension, etc..  But from a
> community
> > direction perspective there are things we need to continue to improve
> upon
> > and we want to help make the path to committership and PMC membership
> more
> > clear as a function of adding value to the community.
> >
> > So not necessarily ordered, here are some key things I've observed that
> > need more attention and are among the most valuable things for the health
> > of the nifi system and community.
> >
> > Dependency Management
> >
> > This is a hugely important area as we have a massive amount of
> dependencies
> > and this work is just plain not that fun.  But if we want to present a
> > beautiful landscape we need to pull weeds.  We need to reduce
> dependencies
> > and keep things recent.  This is largely accomplished today by a very
> small
> > group of people.  We have to increase the contribution level here or
> > perhaps the automation level.  We have tooling that is helping now but
> > still needs more attention.
> >
> > Vulnerability Management particular as it relates to dependencies
> >
> > Related to dependency management but broader.  This one at times requires
> > us to do more than simply maintain dependencies.  It sometimes forces us
> to
> > change libraries and sometimes even makes maintaining
> > compatibility/configuration complicated.  These are among the most
> critical
> > and most difficult tasks to take on.  This is largely done today by an
> > extremely small group of people.
> >
> > Maintenance of extensions
> >
> > We have a ton of components in NiFi.  Obviously not all of them really do
> > require active maintenance but there is often a contribute and forget
> model
> > involved.  For us to keep these broad range of components under community
> > care they need active maintenance.  I already mentioned the dependency
> > factor above but the broader point here is that APIs/versions of systems
> > evolve.  We need to be staying up to date.  There are systems like Kafka,
> > Elastic, Mongo, Relational Databases, etc.. that we should always be
> > supporting the latest on.  These are among the most wildly popular
> sources
> > and destinations.  We do tend to fall behind here and this is powerfully
> > useful for people to contribute to.  These are the things our users
> > actually use NiFi for!
> >
> > Maintenance of things other than core nifi
> >
> > If you look at components ancillary to NiFi they receive far less
> attention
> > and effort trending toward them going away.  The NiFi registry is a great
> > example of this as NiFi MiNiFi Java for instance.  These are things which
> > are useful and indeed there is a decent user base in both cases.  But
> they
> > require more active maintenance than they get.  We need to evolve when it
> > comes to security methods offered for authn/authz and that takes focus.
> >
> > Performance analysis and improvements targeted as a result
> >
> > This is done very rarely as far as I can tell outside a couple of people
> > who I'm sure we could all name in a few seconds.  The codebase is large
> and
> > Java and other parts evolve.  Continually emphasizing faster and more
> > efficient operations is vital to NiFi's continued growth in the
> > community at large.  People who spend time running NiFi in a measured
> > manner with realistic flows and doing things like profiling for CPU,
> > memory, etc.. and finding bottlenecks and offering solutions - absolutely
> > can be high impact and valuable.  Even if not at a point where a
> confident
> > contribution can be made, the very act of doing this level of evaluation
> > and flagging concerns is valuable.
> >
> > Improvements related to tests both unit and integration - but also for
> > users of NiFi
> >
> > As part of our push to NiFi 2.0 we have been running these tests far more
> > often and more complete than ever before.  Github Actions now pretty much
> > does run all the things.  We've deleted a wild amount of junk tests that
> > would always fail or were spurious or required some complex local
> > access/setup and therefore nobody ever ran them.  We need to always
> improve
> > coverage but we want to make tests faster/more efficient and more
> > leveraging of things like test containers would be highly valuable.
> > Importantly though here I also mean to highlight we need to do a lot more
> > for users of NiFi that want to create automated tests for their flows.
> We
> > should make it easy for them to provide a flow definition or perhaps a
> > for their flow and write tests which would leverage actual nifi to
> validate
> > a given input results in an expected output.  This is something that
> would
> > add a ton of value for our user base but also lead into some really
> > powerful testing we can do against our own framework.
> >
> > Development of blogs/videos/conference presentations/social media posts
> >
> > Building great software by itself doesn't grow the community nearly as
> much
> > as if you build a strong developer advocacy game.  People that create
> these
> > various forms of blogs/videos and conference talks about NiFi, how it
> > works, and how to make it better are extremely valuable.  That is often
> > just as valuable or even more so than a PR review, code contribution,
> etc..
> >
> > Engagement in the Slack/Mailing lists
> >
> > Our community needs help.  They ask a lot of questions about how to use
> > NiFi, bugs they are hitting, etc.. Responding to these questions in a
> > timely and meaningful manner is hugely valuable to them and is also
> pretty
> > fun for the person who helps out.
> >
> > Meaningful engagement acting as a pull request reviewer
> >
> > This one is last but certainly not least!  We have a review-then-commit
> > model which means we need at least one committer or PMC member to review
> a
> > contribution before it gets merged.  Even if you're not a committer or
> > member, a review is still super helpful and can save time and also puts
> you
> > on a great path to earning merit.  Reviews are a critical part of the
> code
> > and overall quality of NiFi.  'LGTM' is generally not that helpful and
> > while warranted for some trivial things we even see it on larger more
> > meaningful commits.  Not every review needs to be a back and forth affair
> > of code style inputs either.  There is a middle ground and you'll find it
> > as you engage in more reviews!    Code reviews are in far more short
> supply
> > than code contributions.  I encourage everyone to please do at least one
> > true pull request review for every contribution.  In general the goal
> > should be to contribute to more pull request reviews than new pull
> requests
> > created.  If you do so this by definition means the community is growing
> > and you're directly helping make that happen!
> >
> > Would love to see additional inputs/missing categories/other thoughts.
> > Perhaps this turns into a wiki page that helps give more context to
> people
> > that want to find ways to add value and be on a path to committer and PMC
> > membership as well.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Joe
> >

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