Team, For the longest time we had all these Java based extensions and it was often inconvenient for them to live within the codebase. Indeed it makes the builds crazy long and it delays getting new components out. We had a lot of work to do for this to be convenient and perhaps we still have gaps remaining.
Now we have these Python components. I am not confident we really want these in the codebase for similar but even more important reasons. The python components have similar issues when it comes to Licensing and Notice recognition. They have their own rapid vulnerability tracking. Our current tooling doesn't make tracking that very easy. I'm concerned about where the Python ones are heading in terms of maintainability but also generally for the builds as well with the Java ones. Is it time to move to a repo for the Java extensions and its own project/group name and versioning? Same for Python extensions? This lets them evolve on their own schedule. It does bring up an interesting challenge as it relates to a convenience binary. The ideal state is extensions are released and shipped independent of the nifi application. But we'd need to make that really nice/easy for the users. We have a lot going on so maybe still not time to tackle this. Curious to hear thoughts Thanks