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The "TikaPlugin" page has been changed by AndreRicardo.


  '''js''': ?
- '''mp3''': Nutch identifies several fields (Title, Album, Artist) whereas 
Tika knows only about Titles, the rest is stored as paragraphs. 
+ '''mp3''': Nutch identifies several fields (Title, Album, Artist) whereas 
Tika knows only about Titles, the rest is stored as paragraphs.
- Tika-app can also identify in an mp3 id3v1 and id3v2 tags like: album, 
artista, audioSampleRate, composer, genre, logcomment, releaseDate, trackNumber.
+ Tika-app can also identify in an mp3 id3v1 and id3v2 tags like: album, 
artist, audioSampleRate, composer, genre, logcomment, releaseDate, trackNumber.
  '''msexcel''': comparable (+ Tika able to represent content in structured way 
as XHTML tables which can be useful for HTML parser plugins)

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