I don't use Nutch as a webapp so can't help there. But perhaps an error 
occured during redeployment preventing you from running it. Check catalina.out 
for errors.

> Dear All
> I’m working in Computer Research institute . I’d like to   use nutch to my
> project . I compiler nutch first time by ant and deploy to tomcat webapp
> and work ok without any problem happened .
> After add plugin and compile by ant( $ ant war  ) without any error  and
> deploy to webapp  this massage happen in image below .
> [cid:image001.jpg@01CC286D.7ED9EFE0]
> Cloud you help me to explain the steps for compile nutch and  solve page
> problem ? also I vist http://wiki.apache.org/general/ but I don’t find
> solution for my problem .for note I used nutch version 1.2
> Thanks
> Regards,
> -----------------------------
> Ali Areshey
> Tel: (+966) 1 481-4720
> -----------------------------
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