Good Evening Sally,

First and foremost I hope you are keeping well and that the beginning
of the summer has been kind to you... all the good weather still to
come not to worry :0)

The reason I contact you is that we (the Apache Nutch community) are
nearly ready to release Nutch 2.0 which represents a pretty
significant milestone for Apache Nutch as a project. Although Nutch
2.0 is not considered as main stream development (a decision made by
the PMC some time ago) it still marks a real step forward for the
project as a whole and also pays serious merit to users, developers
and committers past and present. Due top these reasons I think it
would be excellent for the community if we could really get the
message out that the project is rocking in addition to the fact that
it is an excellent, well followed, vibrant TLP within the foundation.

I wonder if it would be possible for us to get a formal press
announcement constructed based on input from ourselves in
collaboration with your experience in this area?

I am coming into the official press releases from an almost blind
tangent so would really appreciate your guidance and input on this one
if possible.

Thanks in advance for any input you have.



N.B Please anyone from dev@ chime in on this thread. I personally feel
the better an announcement, the more our community grows. Thank you

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