Hi Markus,

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Markus Jelsma
<markus.jel...@openindex.io> wrote:
> It's still not clear to me what 1.5.1 is going to look like. Will it be 
> current trunk incl. the script bugfix or just 1.5 plus the bugfix? I would 
> vote for the latter as it makes more sense for a bugfix release.

I am easy on this one... I suggest we do it the normal way. Lets let
folks chime in and see where we are on Saturday. It looks like 2.0 is
going to be shifted with the new commits so do we wish to try and keep
at least the minimal consistency between both releases?

> There is another debate behind this, in my opinion, about freezing trunk 
> prior to releases and thus stopping active development. This has been an 
> issue in the past. Is this something for another thread?

Yeah I must also agree that we should branch trunk, keep the branch
for the release then run the RC's from the branch regardless of how
trunk comes on. My only suggestion for  backporting patches from trunk
to the release candidate branch is if it is a pretty critical bug fix
as we've now discovered in 1.5!

Additionally there is another note here as well w.r.t release
managers. We've relied on the excellent work done by Chris (and
others) as RM's for a number of releases but during the release period
(on occasion, more recently) as you mention trunk has frozen
temporarily. Of course it is the aim to prevent this happening should
the RC not progress as we would all like. Hopefully we are moving
towards a more adaptable and sustainable RM process within Nutch where
the RM responsibility can be undertaken/overseen by more than one
individual over the entire duration of the process. I think (and hope)
we can consider the slight struggle we've had for 1.5 as an exception.
As far back as I can remember RC's have always been efficient and
smooth and I personally am committed to ensuring we return to the high
precedent set by previous RM's.
We've also seen an alternative (and in my opinion an improved)
publication of Nutch atrifacts for 1.5. For reference I direct you to
Julien's commentary [0] on this topic. Due to this, we've had to run
additional RC's which has taken a bit longer than usual and I must
personally apologise to everyone for at least one RC cock up which
could have been avoided had I been more familiar with the Nutch
specific release process.

I think I'm ranting here so I'm going to give it a bye now.


[0] http://digitalpebble.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/whats-new-in-nutch-15.html

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