
I'd like to add a new stage called "updatescore" after "updatedb" to Nutch 2.1.

I tried two ways for this:
1) public class ScoreUpdaterJob extends NutchTool implements Tool;

Nutch requires me to define the InputFormat, OutputFormat etc. to perform Map-reduce calculations.

I don't want to perform map-reduce but call a Giraph job to run on Hadoop. When it's finished, Nutch can go on its way.

2) public class ScoreUpdaterJob implements Tool;
or public class ScoreUpdaterJob;

Then I can't use setJarClass of NutchTool, so hadoop job fails:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.giraph.examples.LinkRank.LinkRankComputation

How can I fix this? What's the best way to add a giraph job as a Nutch stage?

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