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The "NewScoringIndexingExample" page has been changed by LewisJohnMcgibbney:

  = Example Running new Scoring and Indexing Systems =
+ '''N.B.''' This page and the functionality described within is only 
applicable and relevant to Nutch 1.X.
  Below is an example of running the new scoring and indexing systems from 
start to finish.  This was done with a sample of 1000 urls and I ran two 
different fetch cycles.  The first being 1000 urls and the second being the top 
2000 urls.  The loops job is optional but included for completeness.  In 
production we have actually removed that job.  This was done with a clean pull 
from Nutch trunk as of 2009-03-06 (right before 1.0 is set to be released).  If 
anybody has any problems running these commands or has questions send me an 
email or send one to the nutch users or dev list and I will reply.  Please send 
it to kubes at the apache address dot org.

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