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The "FirstReport" page has been changed by LewisJohnMcgibbney:

  '''Student Name''': Fjodor Vershinin 
  '''Mentor Name''': Lewis John McGibbney (lewismc)
  == Project description == 
@@ -74, +73 @@

   * Plugin support
  (mercurial repository
- === Future Actions ===
+ == Future Actions ==
  '''To be conpleted by student'''
- === Mentors Comments ===
+ == Mentors Comments ==
  It has been some three weeks now since I am aware that Fjodor actually began 
coding on this project. He stated that he would be delaying the start due to 
exam committments and I was fine with this. My main concern was what would be 
the tangible outcome for mid-term reporting based upon how quickly he could get 
upt-to-speed with the rather complex nature of Nutch 2.X.
  As far as I am concerned, and based on his initial report as above, I am 
pretty satisfied that he understands the high level view of Nutch 2.X including 
the layers of Nutch as the Hadoop-based application, Gora as the storage 
abstraction later, HBase (amongst others) as the WebPage/Host storage 
mechanism, Solr as the indexing server and Hadoop as the framework for running 
Nutch jobs on. This in itself takes most people much longer than 3 weeks so I 
am reasonablty happy with his progress.

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