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The "NutchRESTAPI" page has been changed by FjodorVershinin:

  == REST API Calls ==
- === Administration (/admin) ===
+ === Administration ===
  Responsible class is ''AdminResource''. This API point is created in order to 
get server status and manage server's state.
+ ==== Get server status ====
- Server status JSON object contains server startup date, availible 
configuration names, job history and currently running jobs.
  GET /admin
+ }}}}
+ __Response__ contains server startup date, availible configuration names, job 
history and currently running jobs.
+ {{{{
@@ -40, +43 @@

+ ==== Stop server ====
- It is possible to stop running server using ''/admin/stop''. You can use 
non-mandatory ''force'' parameter, if you want to stop server despite running 
+ It is possible to stop running server using ''/admin/stop''.  You can use 
non-mandatory ''force'' parameter, if you want to stop server despite running 
  GET /admin/stop
- GET /admin/stop?force=false
  GET /admin/stop?force=true
  Stopping in 5 seconds.

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