It's actually a bit more twisted than that : see

This separation of the test and runtime dependencies has actually been very
good for exposing inconsistencies in the way the existing build worked. The
issue should be solved now, thanks for reporting it.

On 17 July 2014 10:18, Julien Nioche <> wrote:

> In this case it is the target "compile-test" of lib-regex-filter which
>> fails.
>> Should it be really called for target "runtime"?
>>   <target name="deps-jar">
>>     <ant target="jar" inheritall="false" dir="../lib-regex-filter"/>
>>     <ant target="compile-test" inheritall="false"
>> dir="../lib-regex-filter"/>
>>   </target>
> This is the source of the problem indeed, the second line should not be
> there : the test classes are not required at that stage.
> Both urlfilter-automaton and urlfilter-regex have the same problem, which
> was not apparent until I introduced a cleaner separation between the
> compilation and test deps.
> I've fixed that for trunk in revision 1611303.
> As for the issue with calling 'ant test' from a plugin dir, this is not a
> new issue : we get the same thing with a fresh copy of Nutch1.8. It's just
> that the test task for the plugins assumes that the core classes and ivy
> jars have already been resolved.
> Thanks
> Julien
> On 16 July 2014 23:10, Sebastian Nagel <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some problems running ant targets on recent trunk:
>> % ant runtime
>> fails if run from scratch (after "ant clean")
>> but it succeeds after "ant test" or "ant nightly".
>> in a plugin folder, e.g., src/plugin/parse-metatags
>> % ant test
>> The error causing the failure is always:
>>  .../trunk/src/plugin/build-plugin.xml:190: .../trunk/build/test/lib does
>> not exist.
>> e.g. within the chain of calls:
>> .../trunk/build.xml:112: The following error occurred while executing
>> this line:
>> .../trunk/src/plugin/build.xml:63: The following error occurred while
>> executing this line:
>> .../trunk/src/plugin/urlfilter-automaton/build.xml:25: The following
>> error occurred while executing
>> this line:
>> .../trunk/src/plugin/build-plugin.xml:190: .../trunk/build/test/lib does
>> not exist.
>> Indeed the directory does not exist because it's removed by target
>> "clean-lib".
>> In this case it is the target "compile-test" of lib-regex-filter which
>> fails.
>> Should it be really called for target "runtime"?
>>   <target name="deps-jar">
>>     <ant target="jar" inheritall="false" dir="../lib-regex-filter"/>
>>     <ant target="compile-test" inheritall="false"
>> dir="../lib-regex-filter"/>
>>   </target>
>> Thanks,
>> Sebastian
> --
> Open Source Solutions for Text Engineering


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