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The "Nutch_1.X_RESTAPI" page has been changed by SujenShah:

+ === Configuration ===
+ ==== Configuration's list ====
+ {{{{
+ GET /config
+ }}}}
+ __Response__ contains names of availible configurations.
+ {{{{
+   ["default","custom-config"]
+ }}}}
+ ==== Configuration parameters ====
+ {{{{
+ GET /config/{configuration name}
+ Examples:
+ GET /config/default
+ GET /config/custom-config
+ }}}}
+ __Response__ contains parameters with values
+ {{{{
+   {
+    "anchorIndexingFilter.deduplicate":"false",
+    "crawl.gen.delay":"604800000",
+    "db.fetch.interval.default":"2592000",
+    "db.fetch.interval.max":"7776000",
+    ....
+    ....
+    }
+ }}}}
+ ==== Get property value ====
+ {{{{
+ GET /config/{configuration name}/{property}
+ Examples:
+ GET /config/default/anchorIndexingFilter.deduplicate
+ }}}}
+ __Response__ contains parameter's value as string
+ {{{{
+     false
+ }}}}
+ ==== Create configuration ====
+ Creates new nutch configuration with given parameters. It force field is 
true, then already existing configuration will be overridden, otherwise not.
+ {{{{
+ POST /config/{configuration name}
+ Examples:
+ POST /config/new-config
+    {
+       "configId":"new-config",
+       "force":"true",
+       "params":{"anchorIndexingFilter.deduplicate":"false",... }
+    }
+ }}}}
+ __Response__ is created config's id.
+ {{{{
+     new-config
+ }}}}
+ ==== Delete configuration ====
+ {{{{
+ DELETE /config/{configuration name}
+ Examples:
+ DELETE /config/new-config
+ }}}}
  === Jobs ===
  This point allows job management, including creation, job information and 
killing of a job.
  ==== Listing all jobs ====

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