Honestly what I usually do is just:

$ ant eclipse

This will create an eclipse project that I import directly int IntelliJ. I also 
install/use IvyIDEA and resolve all the dependencies within IntelliJ for all 
modules. With this setup I can run unit tests from within the IDE, although I 
usually run the full test suite from the terminal (ant test), which also works 
inside the plugins directory.

For the IvyIDE error, check that you have configured the Ivy settings file to 
point to the ivy/ivy.xml file in the Nutch subdirectory.


Best Regards,

On Nov 6, 2017, 6:30 PM +0100, Allison, Timothy B. <talli...@mitre.org>, wrote:
> All,
> Apologies for the newb-to-nutch question, but is there a quick start guide 
> for developing Nutch with Intellij?
> There has to be a better way than relying on the build directory: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15357462/how-to-open-an-ant-project-nutch-source-at-intellij-idea
> I've tried Project Structure->Modules->IvyIDEA and pointing to ivy/ivy.xml, 
> but I'm getting an "Error parsing settings file...if you use properties, 
> configure those first"....so I tried loading default.properties first with no 
> luck.
> Again, apologies, and thank you!
> Cheers,
> Tim

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