
> There would be less confusion if the repository were called apps instead of 
> nuttx-apps[s], but it appears the the project name on the front of the 
> repository is an Apache convention.

Yes as is incubating for incubating projects.

> In the release tarballs, the names have been apps-x.y/ and nuttx-x.y/ where 
> x.y is the major.minor version number. 

You can number your releases however you want. The name does need to number 
“incubating” and it’s a good idea to also put “apache” in there so something 
like apache-nuttx-incubating-x.y.tag,gz and 
apache-nuttx-apps-incubating-x.y.tag,gz would be fine. But other variations on 
this would also be fine.


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