I am just wondering if we are excluding any users by forcing everyone to use PRs.  I personally don't have problems with mixed PRs and patches, provided that the patches apply clean.  I think we should take the side of the lowest common denominator user and NOT the point of view that makes our job the slickest.


On 12/15/2019 7:31 PM, Anthony Merlino wrote:
As Nathan and others have pointed out, we need to discuss, agree, and
document how we would like to accept contributions.

I think at most, we should accept patches on the mailing list, and PRs on
GitHub. But personally, I think we should only support PRs. I think a
unified method for all contributions is desirable and makes the PPMC's
lives easier. PRs require less work from committers, and tie into the
automated build tools easier. They are way easier to keep track of too -
Github just lists them all for us. They also can be reviewed and merged
without leaving the browser, assuming the change is valid and the build
testing has coverage.

What do you think?


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