
Just in case you were wondering what this is, podlings need to report  to the 
incubator monthly for 3 months and then quarterly after that. Top level 
projects do the same but report to the board. The mentors if happy with the 
report sign it off and it gets added to the incubator board report. If you miss 
reports or it doesn’t get signed off you’ll be asked to report next month, that 
not a big deal but try not to make a habit it. The incubator report is in 
markdown format so best you copy the bare bones report for your project from 
[2] before starting to work on it.

It’s a good idea to work on the report in the open, you can do this this wiki 
[1] or this mailing list, it’s also a good idea to work on it well before the 
due date. Your first report is due 1st January.


1. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NUTTXTEST/Nuttx
2. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/incubator/January2019

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