Thank you Nathan!

On 2019/12/22 06:01:55, Nathan Hartman <> wrote: 
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 7:26 PM Gregory Nutt <> wrote:
> > Let me start by stating a few [obvious] objectives:
> > Keep things simple for those NuttX users who prefer to work with a zip’d
> > release.
> > provide best-practice tools and workflow to maximize productivity of
> > developers living on
> > the bleeding edge.
> > define a disciplined process that insures the continued quality of the
> > project.
> >
> > As we fill in the details, this discussion will naturally blend in
> > specifics of implementation
> > and tools — I expect “git” might come up in the discussions ;)
> At this point, much has been written in this and other threads.
> Now I recommend that we should have a Confluence page where the information
> can be edited to make it:
> * Plain English
> * Flow well
> * Readable
> * Coherent
> * Specific
> * Not assume knowledge
> * In one easy to find place
> I say "I recommend that we should" instead of just going ahead and creating
> that Confluence page because I want to ensure that this happens with
> community agreement.
> Rationale for creating the document: I don't want or expect anyone to
> memorize our workflow, nor to go digging all over the place to piece
> together what it is. I want it documented clearly so that veteran
> contributors and total newbies alike will be able to understand exactly
> what to do. I also want this documented for purpose of on-boarding future
> committers and so that committers will know what is expected of them
> whenever they commit. And furthermore I want it in a clear document that we
> can officially vote on to make it our "blessed" workflow, until such time
> as we decide to make changes and vote to update the "blessed" process.
> The document should flow in a manner that makes information easy to find. I
> suggest to organize it as follows:
> 1. Overview. This section defines "WHAT" the steps of the workflow are.
> This is a simple bulleted or numbered list. No rationale, no git jargon, no
> DevOps nonsense, just clear plain English. Where is the code. What basic
> steps take place to apply changes to it. Greg literally wrote this list a
> few emails ago and it contains 80% of what should be in that list. It needs
> minimal improvement.
> 2. How To Submit Changes For Review. This section defines the "HOW" of the
> workflow for ANYONE who wants to get a change into NuttX, whether committer
> or not. Committers do not get to bypass this process. This section should
> document: How to obtain a copy of the code. What steps to take before
> beginning work on a change. Once you've made your change and want to
> contribute it, what steps to take to turn it into a PR or patch. How to
> submit the PR or patch to us? We should NOT assume knowledge. If a step
> requires using git, then give the exact git command followed by an
> explanation of every element of that command, so that anyone who knows how
> to enter a command in a terminal with zero prior knowledge of git will be
> able to understand exactly how to issue that git command and exactly what
> it will do. I want to make it straightforward and easy for a HARDWARE
> engineer to be able to submit changes.
> 3. Criteria For Acceptance. This section defines what sorts of things
> committers will examine and verify before allowing changes into NuttX.
> First, the universal requirements that apply to all parts of NuttX. This
> includes INVIOLABLES, coding standard, rules that govern clean
> architecture, POSIX compliance, not breaking the build, etc. The word
> INVIOLABLES should be a link to that file. After the universal
> requirements, there should be requirements by area. Requirements for
> boards. Requirements for drivers. Requirements for the scheduler.
> Requirements for architectural support. Etc. All of the checks in this
> section can be performed manually by a committer for now. This section
> should be documented clearly and specifically enough that it can directly
> be used as the specification of automated checks to implement in a CI
> system.
> 4. Reference For Committers. This section explains to committers how to
> carry out all the steps to process a proposed change from start to finish.
> "Start" means a patch or a PR arrived. If a patch, how to convert it into a
> PR. "Finish" can mean either applying the change to master, or reject the
> change / send it back to the submitter for additional work. And all steps
> in between. This section (item #4) is a continuation of item #2. Item #2
> explained how anyone submits a proposed change for review. Now we explain
> what happens next. Like item #2, we should NOT assume knowledge. If a step
> requires using git, then give the exact git command followed by an
> explanation of every element of that command. This is not excessive. This
> will help on-boarding of new committers as well as help veteran committers
> avoid mistakes.
> 5. Rationale. This section explains the "WHY" behind all of the above. So
> that people won't cut an inch off each end of a ham without knowing why.
> Cheers,
> Nathan
This makes perfect sense. It is well thought out and spot on. It is inviting 
and I want to be part of it.
Your prior experience with the Apache Way and using its resources such as 
Confluence are a great asset to this team

I am going to assume this will be voted for by all members. I would like to get 
up to speed on using Confluence.

Please point me to where this work should be done and any guide you have on how 
to use Confluence.


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