Recent events have made me reconsider some decisions I made.  I threw off the single committer mantle when I saw the abuse of privilege in the repositories.  If the PPMC agrees to it, I will take up that role again.

But let's be frank.  Here is what I think that means:

 * I would be sole committer of changes.  The repositories would have
   to be treated as read-only just as back in the Bitbucket days.
 * I would grandfather in the i.MXRT changes.
 * I will decline all workflow related changes until workflow
   requirements are established (that is my only real motivation for
   suggesting this:  To make certain that we have proper requirements
   in place before we accept PX4 workflow into our repositories.  We
   need to do this right and I am willing to protect the repositories
   until the workflow requirements are established.  I expect that to
   take about two weeks.)
 * I would create a dev branch and expect all PRs to be against that
   dev branch.
 * As soon as the PPMC is confident that it has the processes in place
   to handle the commit workload I will gladly relinquish this role.
 * THIS IS NOT THE APACHE WAY.  This is an interim dictatorship role to
   expedite the avalanche of commits expected after the holidays.

If any of this concerns people, please "Just Say No."  I am not married to the idea and I am not forcefully advocating it.  This is what people wanted me to do a few days ago and if I can protect our right to define the workflow, then I will do it.  For me it is a sacrifice that I would take with no pleasure in.

Pros:  This will provide project continuity until the PPMC is fully functional.  Having workflow requirements will be a huge step in that direction.  People stressed about the commit process can relax with confidence.  This will protect the code base from premature work flow changes until we have an understanding of what we want.  No harm is done by deferring workflow changes until we as a team are prepared to deal with them.

Cons:  This is not the Apache way.  People who are trying to bulldoze the PX4 work flow into the repositories will hate the idea.  Mentors will hate the idea.  An approach more consistent with the Apache way would just be to let the chaos prevail.  That is fine with me too as long as we do not let PX4 advocates take away our group right to define our own workflow.  We can still just put all workflow changes on hold until we have the requirements in hand.

I am not pushing anything.  Think about it and let me know what you would like to do.


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