I'm bringing up support for a new RISC-V core but I'm running into some issues around the sys tick. My tick timer interrupt is disabled at activating a task, clearly this is not correct. This is code used across all architectures so I'm sure I just do not understand something void nxtask_activate(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb) { irqstate_t flags = enter_critical_section(); up_unblock_task(tcb); leave_critical_section(flags); } Won't we perform a context switch here and not leave the critical section?
No, the critical section is left automatically when the context switch occurs. The critical section is not a global attribute; it is a per task attribute. If Task A enters the critical section then suspends (as above) the state of critical section is saved and the new state of the critical section for the newly started Task B is instantiated. For a new task like this, the initial state of the critical section will be "not-in-a-critical section".
This is described in a Wiki pages somewhere, but I don't recall which. In know that is mentioned in the Wiki page on the critical section monitor but I don't think that is the authoritative reference.
So, don't worry. This has all been carefully thought through and has worked well for 13.3 years.