Regarding to can driver, from some moment I started getting
in sem_post.c. Found the bug

I don't know, was DEBUGASSERT(pholder != NULL) a different appearance of
the same bug or it is something else.

With regards,

вт, 30 июн. 2020 г. в 20:16, Oleg Evseev <>:

> Find out that this happens while in poll.
> вт, 30 июн. 2020 г. в 15:45, Oleg Evseev <>:
>> Hi all,
>> I wonder how can I debug
>> DEBUGASSERT(pholder != NULL) in function nxsem_allocholder in file
>> semaphore/sem_holder.c that happens after some time reading a lot of
>> messages from can bus in can_reciever task?
>> Task  looks like this (CAN dev is opened as shared file with
>> file_open(&CANmodule->file, "/dev/can0", O_RDWR)):
>> pollfd fds[1];
>> fds[0].fd = -1;
>> fds[0].ptr = CANmodule->file ;
>> fds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLFILE;
>> while (!_thread_should_exit) {
>>     int ret = poll(fds, sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0]), 1000);
>>     if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
>>         /* Read the RX message */
>>         CANreceive();
>>     }
>> }
>> void CANreceive(CANmodule_t *CANmodule){
>> struct can_msg_s msg = {};
>> ssize_t nbytes;
>>     nbytes = file_read(&CANmodule->file, &msg,  sizeof(struct can_msg_s)
>> );
>>     ...
>> }
>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>> --
>> With regards,
>> Oleg.

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