>  What's the purpose of "CONFIG_ESP32_SPI_SWCS" since the SPI CS pin can 
> always be controlled by hardware?

Not always.  It depends on the pins used.  You can check
arch/xtensa/src/esp32/hardware/esp32_pinmap.h, if you use the set of
pins defined there then you don't need ESP32_SPI_SWCS.
There is also another option, ESP32_SPI_UDCS, where you can define
your own spi_select function in your board logic.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 9:05 AM Jardel Lucca
<jardel...@yahoo.com.br.invalid> wrote:
> Hello, I noticed an example configuration for SD card reader + ESP32 support 
> has been recently added to NuttX (esp32-devkitc:mmcsdspi). This configuration 
> defines the option "CONFIG_ESP32_SPI_SWCS", which I suppose should control 
> the CS (chip select) pin by code/software. Whenever a command is to be sent 
> to the SD card module, the esp32_spi_select() function (defined in 
> ./arch/xtensa/src/esp32/esp32_spi.c) is called, but the CS line does not 
> toggle, being always high. Disabling CONFIG_ESP32_SPI_SWCS, i.e., making the 
> CS line to be controlled by hardware, works just fine. Could it be that 
> "CONFIG_ESP32_SPI_SWCS" has a bug? What's the purpose of 
> "CONFIG_ESP32_SPI_SWCS" since the SPI CS pin can always be controlled by 
> hardware?
>  I tested this with the following code:
>     URL:         https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx/
>     Branch:      master
>     Last commit: 07792a696bf3bcecc7d34ae061ff92ab17b4f0d2
> Thank you. --
> Regards.Jardel Lucca

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