On Tue, Mar 23, 2021, at 22:09, Nathan Hartman wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 8:39 PM Matias N. <mat...@imap.cc 
> <mailto:matias%40imap.cc>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > while using getopt() from a task started from NSH I realized subsequent
> > calls reused the global optind and similar variables resulting in different
> > results each time. I'm aware this is expected in FLAT mode and is related
> > to the issue of static C++ constructors (they would only be called once,
> > not every time the task is started).
> >
> > What I wonder is what could we do to avoid this common pitfall:
> > - document it somewhere (a common issues/troubleshooting section in the
> > docs would be good to have anyways) and just accept the issue
> > - religiously initialize globals myself before being used (a pain, error
> > prone, and a bit adhoc, working only for FLAT mode)
> When using globals, best practice is to make it really clear that the
> variables are global. Many programmers do this by prefixing global variable
> names with g_*.
> I take a different approach: A long time ago, I started grouping all
> globals in a struct, which has one global instance called Global. It makes
> it easy to find all globals, and furthermore at the start of the program as
> a matter of policy the first thing I do is memset() the Global struct to 0.
> Yes, I know that is often redundant to the startup code, but in some
> situations the startup code doesn't initialize globals. The FLAT model is
> one example of this (from the 2nd invocation onwards). I've seen other
> examples of this over the years. By memset()ing your globals at the start
> of main() you can rest assured that the globals are in fact zeroed,
> regardless of whatever else happened before main(). It has another side
> benefit: with globals grouped this way, it becomes trivial to take a
> standalone program and turn it into a component of a larger program.
> tl;dr, this
> approach has worked great for me for a long time.

That sounds like a good approach.

> Caveat: It won't help if your program (or any API called by it) uses
> globals that are outside your control, and therefore, not initialized by
> you. :-/

Yes, my concern is about functions such as getopt(). If you just follow the
description of the API and use it as normal you reach this pitfall. I was 
for some approach to avoid this as much as possible. For getopt() I see there's
even no standard getopt_r(), so we would have to provide our own, which may not
be a bad idea.
Still, this issue will probably present in many other places.

> Nathan


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