Am 24.03.2021 um 18:34 schrieb Tim:

I can also build in Bluetooth support and the demo app, but as far as I can
tell there are no actual Bluetooth host drivers in NuttX to properly support
a detected Bluetooth device. My custom board actually has a SiLabs Bluetooth
module on it (connected to the SAM via UART and proven to work) but I quite
like the idea of just using plug-in Bluetooth devices instead :)

Bluetooth is quite complex. You will have to deal with several layers:

1. Hardware driver (like Ethernet Hardware driver)
2. Low Level Protocol Stack (HCI, like network TCP/IP layer)
3. High Level Protocol Stack ("Profiles", like network mail, web, ntp, nfs application protocols)

A complete stack fron top to bottom has a code size of several 10000 lines of code.

USB dongles usually implement the hardware driver and the low-level protocol stack (HCI). The computer has to run the high level protocol stack.

Other modules, especially the serial ones, implement the whole stack: hardware driver, low-level stack, and one or more profiles (SPP, audio,...). If you only need SPP, you really should use these modules. This allows you to write only 100 lines of code instad of 10000.


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